Tuesday, 5 February 2013

One Hundred Years On... Wednesday, 5 February 1913

Minutes, Wednesday, 5 February 1913

York L.O.L. 145
Clifton St Orange Hall
5th February 1913

The usual monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on above date, the W.M. Bro Edward Leathem presided, and Bro Joseph Davison D.M. occupied the Vice Chair.

The Lodge was opened in due form, and a portion of Holy Scripture was read by the D.M. and the Secretary having read the minutes of previous meeting which were confirmed, being signed by the W.M., the seal of the lodge being affixed thereto.

Re 12th July Band

The report of Lodge Committee meeting of 3rd inst being read was discussed in detail, the committee having reported that only one application was received from a Ban to accompany the Lodge at the coming July anniversary viz – from Nth Belfast Brass Band, and as this Band had already accepted engagement from another Lodge, it was pro by Bro R H Taylor, sec by Bro Josh Lougher, that the matter be left in the hands of the Secretary to engage a Band on the best possible terms, Passed.

Letter from Bro McMurray

A Letter of thanks was rec from Bro Chas McMurray thanking the Lodge for their letter of sympathy on the death of his father.

Re “Certificate’ Bro Ed Mencilly

An application from L.O.L. 96 P.A. U.S.A. was recd thru Grand Lodge, from the Certificate of Bro Ed Mencilly. The committee recommended that it be not granted, Bro Mncilly having been suspended for 9 mons and 2 years the latter not being expired, als for his treatment with contempt of Lodge Members and Lodge Circulars, Bro Taylor pro, Bro Davison D.M. sec that Committee recommendation be adopted, Passed.

Re “Suspension” Bro Wm Crawford

A communication from Bro W L Gilpin, that the suspension of Bro Wm Crawford be reconsidered, Bro Josh Lougher pro and Bro Far secd, that term of suspension be alld to run its course. Passed.

“Appeal” LOL 761 B-ward

An appeal was presented by Bro R Scott, on behalf of L.O.L. 761 Ballyward, Co. Down, to assist them in building an Orange Hall, near the scene of “Dolly’s Brae”, the committees recommendation that Lodge subscribe the sum of 10/6, was passed, on the pro of Bro Davison D.M. sec, by Bro R H Taylor.

Re “Presentation Collarettes” for Bro Curry, Graham, & Millar

The committee reported that as Bro Chas Curry and Bro Joseph Graham were leaving shortly for Canada the recommend that each of them be presented with a Collarette, Bro Geo Hawthorne pro, that recommendation be adopted, and that Bro George Millar be included as he was also shortly to depart for Canada, Bro Taylor having Seconded. The three Presentation Collarettes were passed that of Bro Graham to be ready for Friday the 7th inst.

Annual Re-Union

The WM requested all the brethren to remember that on Friday Evg inst, our Annual Re-Union would be held, and he hoped that it would be most successful, as everything for the enjoyment of all, had been looked after by the committee in charge.

Re “Ulster Council + W. B. Anti Home Rule Assoc”

A General discussion on the work being done by our Ulster Unionst Council, and the effort now being made by the new “West Belfast Anti Home Rule Association” to capture the seat once again for the “Union” were fully gone into, the W.M., the Treasurer, Bro Dr Merceir Clements, Bro Thos Johnston and Bro Robert Leath expressing their admiration for this timely work being done.


Messrs John I. Brown, Edward Craig, Thom Proctor and Andrew Harper, (Candidates) being in attendance were admitted, and initiated as members of the Loyal Orange Institution, Bro J. T. P. McKeowen and Bro Joshua Lougher acting as sponsors.

Re “Lodge Collarettes”

Bro R.H. Taylor pro, + Bro A Morgan sec, that committee report on supply of Collarettes necessary at Lodge Meetings. Passed.

Re “Letter of Condolence” Bro Linton

Bro Davison D.M. pro and Bro Joshua Lougher, sec that a letter of condolence be sent to Bro Wallace Linton on the death of a child. – Passed.

Re “Auditors Report for 1912

The Auditors report for the past year being in the hands of all members, the WM in congratulating the Lodge upon their splendid position, numerically and financially asked Bro W W Walshe the Auditor to move the adoption of the Report, Bro Walshe in doing so pointed out several important features in the report viz the great increase in Dues, which had been more than doubled during the past four years, also to the large amount disposed in Charity, to the erection of Orange Halls, and also in support of every propaganda for the benefit of the Union, having complimented the secretary and treasurer for the careful manner in which the a/cs had been kept, he moved (1st) that a Balance of £14-3/6 due by Lodge a/c to Treasurer, shd be transferred to ... out of Excursion a/c also that a sum of ^62.16.0 in hands of Treasurer as per excursion a/c, should be lodged in Bank, with these two items added to Report, he moved that the Report as Printed be adopted, this being seconded by Bro R Scott, was passed unanimously.

“Vote of Thanks” Tres + Secty

Bro Scott proposed that we tender our best thanks, and express our appreciation of the great labours of our Secretary and Treasurer in connection with all the affairs of our lodge, and especially their labour during the Douglas Excursion arrangements, the W.M. begged to associate himself with this note, which in his opinion was heartily deserved, and asked the brethren to pass it by acclamation, Bro Taylor returned his thanks for the compliment and Bro Lougher likewise.


The W.M. having to retire, the chair was occupied by Bro Davison and the Vice Chari by Bro R Dorman.

Bro John Tayers pro + Bro Wm Russell secd.
Bro Wm J Wilson (Pawnbroker) 37 Stranmillis Rd, OC from L.O.L. 1064 No. 5 Dist.

Bro S. J. P. McKeown, pro + Bro Geo A Dick, secd.
Bro Robert Chamlees (Builder) 123 Antrim Road OC from L.O.L. 869, No 7 Dist.

Bro Thoa H Farr, pro + Bro Wm H McIlroy secd.
Bro William O’Hara (Foreman) 16 Elswick St, OC from LOL 869, No 7 Dist.

Bro John Sayers, pro, + Bro Robert Lougher, secd
Bro Edward A Bradshaw (Compositor) 54 Eglinton St, OC from LOL 181, No 8 Dist.

No further business being to transact, the Lodge was closed in prescribed form.

God Save the King

Edward Lathem, W.M.
John Sayers, Secretary