Monday, 19 May 2014

Upcoming Parade: No. 6 District Women's LOL Parade and Service

Upcoming Parade and Church Service

No. 6 District Women's LOL Parade and Service
Sunday 25th May 2014

Assemble North Belfast Memorial Orange Hall@ 2.20 for 2.30pm depart

Service in St.Pauls Parish Church, York Road @3pm

All brethren are requested to attend.


Wednesday, 7 May 2014

One Hundred Years on ... Wednesday, 6th May 1914

YORK  L.O.L.  No. 145
Clifton Street,  Orange Hall.
6th May 1914

The usual Monthly Meeting of this Lodge was held on the above date. Bro. Edward Leathem WM presided Bro. Joseph Davison occupied the Vice Chair.

The Lodge was opened in prescribed form and a portion of Scripture having been read by Bro. Rev. Dr. Walker and minutes of previous meeting were read and passed.

A report of Lodge Committee Meeting held on Monday 4th inst., was read and the following recommendations were made. Candidature of Mr. John Townsley and Mr. Thomas Morrow.  --     Passed.

Report on progress of arrangements for the Orphans of Bro. Wm. Devlin deceased considered satisfactory, the necessary papers having been handed to District Secretary for Co. Grand Lodge approval, they to forward them to Secretary of Enniskillen Memorial Orphan Society.

The sub-committee appointed to secure premises for Dinner on 13th July, reported success after two visits, the first occasion being successful in acquiring Drumley Parochrial Hall, Which on consideration they decided to relinquish and on the second occasion Mr. Campbell a personal friend of Bro. Robert Dorman offered the use of sheds to our Lodge which was gratefully accepted.

The Committee had under consideration the appeal of Sir Edward Carson for further subscriptions to the Ulster Defence and recommended to the Lodge the following resolution which was unanimously passed on the proposal of Bro. Jas. A. Donnelly seconded By Bro. Wallace Linton and supported the WM & DM

“ That the members of our Lodge be requested to subscribe liberally to the Carson Defence Fund and that a sum equal to the amount subscribed be taken from Lodge Funds to augment same."

A circular and Inventory Form was received from Committee of Management, request a return of our Lodge Property for the purpose of Insurance.  A Committee consisting of the DM., Secretary and Treasurer were appointed to have this attended to.

The arrangements in connection with our Douglas excursion were updated as being in a forward condition and were awaiting a reply to application made by Secretary for the necessary Steamer.

An application was received from G.O.L.I. for Bro. Geo. Blair’s certificate on behalf of L.O.L. 122 Delaware and was granted on payment of 2/6.

A remittance for 8/6 was received from G.O.L.I. for Cert of Bro. Wm. Reid to L.O.L. 117 to Manchester and was ordered to be sent on.

A letter of thanks was received from the Widow of our late Bro. Wm. Devlin who expressed her gratitude for the kindness extended to her and for the Wreath sent by the Lodge.

The following candidates being in attendance were admitted and initiated as members of this Loyal Orange Institution. Bros. Joshua Tougher & Dr. I. Clements acting as sponsors.

Messrs. Wm. J. Hobson, John Cupples, William Donaldson, Wm. Morgan, Samuel M. Gore, Ernest E. Ritchie, John Thompson, Alfred Roper & William Dickson.

The WM having to retire this Chair was now occupied by Bro. Davison DM and the Vice Chair by Bro. Robert Dorman.

Invitations were received from several Lodges to attend Anniversary Services and the Secretary was instructed to inform them that our Lodge had arranged to attend District Service, they were unable to officially attend any other

But that as many members as possible would give their support.

The attention of those members who had not received the Degrees of Plain Purple and Arch Purple, were drawn to a meeting of this purpose to be held on Thursday 28th inst.

The following candidates were proposed and to remain on our books for the usual time, and report by Committee.

Mr. Jas. Herbert Anderson (clerk) 169 Ainsworth Avenue.
Pro. By Bro. James Anderson seconded by Bro. John Sayers.

Mr. Herbert Hunter (clerk) 18 Perth Street.
Pro. By Bro. Thomas Hunter seconded By Bro. Jas. Anderson.

Bro L J Parkinson, 55 Victoria Terrace, OC LOL 807
Bro Richard Usher, 55 Victoria Terrace, OC LOL 807
Pro. by Bro Robert Lyttle, secd by Bro John Sayers

This having concluded the business of the meeting, the Lodge was closed in due Form.

God Save the King.

Edward Leathem WM.
John Sayers.  Secretary.