Monday, 23 April 2018

Annual Church Parade for the City of Belfast Loyal Orange Widows Fund


Annual Church Parade for the City of Belfast Loyal Orange Widows Fund

Brethren and Sisters to assemble as per District at 2.15 p.m. for 2.30 p.m. parade to St. Aida’s Parish Church

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

One Hundred Years on ... Minutes of Meeting, 3rd April 1918, Death of James Donnelly

York L.O.L 145
Clifton St Orange Hall
3rd April 1918

The usual monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on the above date, Bro Edward Leathem, WM presided and Bro Joseph Davison, DM occupied the vice chair.
The Lodge was opened in proscribed form, and a portion of scripture having been read by Bro Rev Dr Walker, the minutes of the previous meeting were read and passed.
There was no meeting of the Lodge Com’ held owing to the Easter Holidays.

Death of Bro 2nd Lieut James A Donnelly RFC

The WM referred to the sad news which was in possession of most of our members, viz the death from wounds received in France of our dear Bro Lieut Jas A Donnelly, his loss to our Lodge was deeply felt by all his brethren and he begged to express for them his sincere regret and deepest sympathy, further his loss to the community in general, as a Loyal Protestant, and a sound Unionist was a very severe blow when all such staunch champions as him were wanted in the present crises.

The D.M. Bro Davison, Bro J L P McKeown and Bro Dr Walker also paid tribute in sympathetic terms to the loss of Bro Donnelly who was beloved by all who knew him.

A resolution of sympathy and condolence was passed in silence, all present standing.

Bro R Tougher pro and Bro Dick seconded a Deputation consisting of the W.M., the D.M., the Secretary and Bro Hodgen, want upon Mrs Donnelly and convey the resolution of sympathy from the Lodge Passed.

Bro Davison D.M. pro that the Lodge adjourn this meeting as a further token of our respect for the late Bro J A Donnelly, this being sec by Bro Kempston was passed unanimously.

Bro R Tougher suggested that the secretary consult with Bro Rev R Dixon Patterson, Rector of St Barnabas Church in order that a memorial service be held on Sunday 7th inst in memory of Bro Donnelly, which was agreed to.

Lodge Closed

The Lodge was then closed in due form.

God Save the King

Edward Leathem WM
John Sayers Secty