Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Join the "Brethren In Arms" Association

The Association of
Brethren in Arms

The association of Brethren in Arms was founded primarily but not exclusively to commemorate the role played by all those members of the Loyal Orders who contributed in diverse ways to Operation Banner, the army’s support of the Royal Ulster Constabulary and later the Police Service of Northern Ireland over the past years.
From the soldiers of the regular army, the men of the RUC, The RUC Reserve , The Ulster Defence Regiment , The Home Service Battalions of The Royal Irish Regiment , The Civilian Support Services , and all those un-named civilians who’s assistance , prayers and support all contributed to the campaign .
The part played by the families of those who served cannot be forgotten, the wives and sweethearts, the sons and daughters, the parents and grandparents who waited in hope of that familiar voice and dread of that ever too frequent knock on the door.
“They Also Serve Who Only Stand And Wait”
The scope of the association has been widened to include all those who served for sovereign and country in the many campaigns throughout history. Those who served in and for the cause of Ulster both at home and overseas from the army of King William, through the years of rebellion in Ireland. In two world wars, and subsequent conflicts, to those who still serve in the many conflicts throughout the world. Their service and sacrifice continues the long history of Ulster’s loyalty to sovereign and country. All of the above mentioned gave some, some gave all and it is our intention to insure that their service and sacrifice is neither forgotten nor understated in the cause of political correctness.
Truly they were and are
Brethren in Arms.
They Shall Grow Not Old As We Who Are Left Grow Old
Age Shall Not Weary Them Nor The Years Condemn
At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them

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