Friday 1 June 2007

Irish Language Consultation Letter

Margaret O'Keeffe
Irish Language Bill Team
Department of Culture, Arts & Leisure
3rd Floor Interpoint
20-24 York Street
BT15 1AQ

Friday, 01 June 2007

Dear Margaret O'Keeffe,

Re: Irish Language Bill Consultation

I am writing to you on behalf of the officers and brethren of Royal York LOL 145, in connection with the above consultation.

It is the opinion of the lodge that this legislation is divisive and detrimental to the community in Northern Ireland. It does not allow for the parity of esteem that should be enjoyed by Ulster-Scots in law, funding and accessibility and has been introduced purely for political motives. This is not Scotland or Wales where language is a neutral issue, and also there is more than one language that could claim to be the native language of Northern Ireland.

Without the legislation being joint between Irish and Ulster-Scots, and promoting equality between those two languages, it is doomed to be perceived in a sectarian manner and be resented by the majority, and avoided by even most of its speakers.

It must not be allowed to continue.

Yours truly,

Graham Steven Barton
Worshipful Master
Royal York L.O.L. 145

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