The following is an extract from our Lodge minute book from 100 years ago.
Address by Miss Grace Roe
At close of Lodge meeting held on Wednesday the 2nd
April 1919, Bro Dr Marcus Clements introduced Miss Grace Roe, a member of the
Women’s Political Party and one whom had done yeoman work for her party, and
was now doing equally good work for our Coalition and Unionist Government.
Miss Roe who was warmly welcomed spoke on what women had
done during the war, their efforts in S Wales and other industrial cities in
preventing strikes, and helping out army in Flanders, the principal plank of
the woman’s party platform, was the “Union between England and the rest of the British
Empire, watching the Vatican, and a knowledge of the Irish Question, on
International Finance, and the Finances of the Socialist Party, were all
captured by the Vatican and Germany. Irish Roman Catholics were being urged to
join a Centre Labour Party.
The Women’s Party beside doing a good work during the war in
munitions and other activities, had owing to the franchise being extended to
them, voted Bolshevik Labour at the General Election.
The utter futility of shop stewards, Bolshevik committees
and the attempts of Sein Fein to form with Labour were fully exposed, and the
pamphlet issued by the Irish Transport Union Each for all and all for each was
an example of the methods employed generally.
Miss Roe displayed an intimate knowledge of the many social questions
of the day, and at the close of her address, was thanked very warmly by the WM
for her entertaining and instructive address.
Bro Davison DM, proposed that the best thanks of the meeting
be accorded to Miss Roe which was seconded by Bro R Tougher and passed by acclamation.
Miss Roe suitable replied, and thanked the Lodge for the
opportunity given her to address a meeting of Orangemen.
God Save the King
John Sayers
Further reading on Miss Grace Roe:
Small biography -
Small video interview -
Her force feeding was not "not exceptional treatment" in Hansard -
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