Wednesday, 7 August 2013

One Hundred Years on ... Wednesday, 6th August 1913

York LOL 145
Clifton St Orange Hall
6th August 1913

The usual monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on above date, and in the adsence of our W.M. the chair was occupied by Bro R H Taylor, and later by Bro Robert Dorman (FC) the Vice Chair being occupied by Bro Wm R Russell.

The Lodge was opened in prescribed form, and a portion of scripture read by Bro Robert Scott.

Withdrawal of Candidate

The minutes of previous meeting having been read and confirmed, Bro Harrision asked leave to withdraw the candidature of Bro W J Kenolty, which was granted.

Apologies Brothers Leathem and Davison

An apology was given for the Absence of Bro Leathem WM who was away on holidays, also for Bro Davison DM who was absent owing to illness.

Lodge Committee Report

A report of Lodge Committee meeting given by the secretary was adopted on the pro of Bro R Lougher sec'd by Bro R H Taylor, the recommendations were that W J B wilson be passed for Membership, and that Bro W J McGaughy OC LOL 987, be passed subject to Certificate. Bro Thos Boston's candidature being withdrawn by Bro R Lougher, Bro Ernest Linton certificate was granted (free, in lieu of Dues overpaid) to Newry District LOL on behalf of a new warrent for LOL 1111. Letters from GOL Ireland were read with reference to resignation of Bro W J Gillespie, and it was decided to leave the matter in the secretary's hands for settlement.

Bro Geo R Blacks Invitation

The committee reported that Bro George R Black had kindly invited the members of our lodge for their "afternoon sup" to his residence at Waringfield, Moira the invitation was cordially accepted, and Wednesday afternoon the 10th Sept was selected, the secretary to proceed with the usual arrangements in conection therewith.

The candidature of Bro James Kelly OC LOL 148, Ballinderry and held over from last meeting, was passed on the motion of Bro John Forsythe secd by Bro Joshua Tougher, his certificate having been forwarded to this Lodge.

A letter was read from LOL 1079, thanking this Lodge for the generous manner in which Bro Hugh Annesley's certificate had been granted.

Bro ALbert J Tasker PM LOL 45 London wrote thanking the Lodge for their kindness and courtesy to him on the 12th July and on the 12th July a telegram was received from "Ball", East Dulwich sending fraternal greetings and best wishes.

Widows Fund Subsriptions

This concluded report of Lodge Committee

Bro R H Taylor reminded the brethren that subscriptions to Loyal Orange Widows Fund were now due, and the secretary was instructed to have notification of same put on next lodge circular.


The folowing candidates and new members were proposed.

Bro Wm Rd Davison (Traveller) 14 Ratcliffe St. OC LOL 308, Lurgan
Pro by Bro W L Green, secd by Bro John Forsythe

J W Wm Jordan (Pawnbrokers Asistant) 25 Perth Street
Pro by Bro Joseph Davison, secd by Bro R Lougher

W Leonard Mills (Stores Clerk) 175 Woodstock Rd
Pro by Bro Joseph Davison, secd by Bro R Tougher

Bro Wm Caughey Jr (Clerk) 2 Fortwilliam View Ter OC LOL 1990, No 3 Dist.

This having concluded the buisness of our regular meeting. The Lodge was closed in due form, and afterwards re-opened on the Plain Purple to confer degrees.

Plain Purple Degree

The following brthren having been duly proposed and seconded, received the degree of plain purple.
Bros Madden, Agnew, Herbert Forsythe, John Martin, Jas Megarrell, John J Brown, J Harries, Jas Thorton, Robert Bradley, J C Gilbert, Chas McMurray, John A McMaster, and Edward Craig.

The lecturers Bros Brown and McGrath received a hearty vote of thanks for officating at very short notice.

There being no other business to transact on this degree, the lodge was closed in prescribed form.

God Save the King

Edward Lathem WM
John Sayers Secretary