Tuesday, 1 January 2013

One Hundred Years On... Wednesday, 1 January 1913

Minutes, Wednesday, 1st January 1913

York L.O.L. 145
Clifton St Orange Hall
Wednesday 1st January 1913

The usual monthly meeting of the lodge was held on above date. Bro Edward Leathem W.M. presided and Bro Robert Levitt D.M. occupied the vice chair.

The Lodge was opened in prescribed form a portion of Holy Scripture being read by the Chaplain, and the minutes of previous meeting were read and passed.

The invitation from L.O.L. 1232 to attend Divine Service in the Cathedral, was after discussion, marked “read” on the pro of Bro Donnelly sec by Bro J. L. P. McKeown.

Widows Fund Concert

Tickets for ‘Widows’ Fund Concert were received and handed to Bro Taylor, for disposal, the WM requesting the hearty support of our Members in aid of same.

Lodge Committee Report on Candidates, McCormick Memorial, Re-instatement of Bro Wm Hart

The Lodge committees report on the candidates Messrs Brown, Craig, Proctor and Harper being favourable were passed for Membership, also that a sum of £3-3.0 be subscribed out of Lodge Funds to the “McCormick Memorial” and the application of Bro Wm Hart for re-instatement, he explaining by letter that owing to engagements on our night of meetings was unable attend, the committee recommended his re-instatement for 10/”, the same being paid on his behalf by Bro Harrison, Bro Davidson pro, and Bro Taylor sec, that the committee report be adopted. Passed.

Brass Band “12th July

Notice of Motion given by Bro George Hawthorne to engage a Brass Band for 12th July Anniversary only, having been seconded by Bro Sayers, was passed unanimously, and the secretary was instructed to advertise for same, and in the event of not being able to secure a Brass Band the best available “Flute Band” was to be engaged.

Installation of Officers

The installation of Officers for 1913 was proceeded with, that of Deputy Master being the only change, the WM then installed Bro Joseph Davison as Deputy Master for the ensuing year, he being duly elected thereto at the annual election of officers in September, Bro Davison thanked the Lodge for the honour conferred upon him, and Bro Scott the retiring DM also returned his thanks for the kindness shown to him during his term in office, and asked for the same kindness and support to his successor.


Wm Arthur Kerr, a candidate, being in attendance was duly initiated as a Member of the Loyal Orange Institution. Bro Glas Kirkwood, and A Thompson acting as Sponsors.

Municipal Election

Bro R Loughher mentioned that Bro Wm Lougher, and Bro W J Twaddell, the Alderman and Councillor respectively , for Court Ward, were seeking re-election, and proposed that their candidature be heartily endorsed and supported by the members of this lodge, this was seconded by Bro John Forsyth supported by Bro Joseph Davison DM and passed unanimously.

A report of annual Re-union to be held in Ye Olde Castle on Friday 7th Feb next, was given by the secretary and Bro Clotworthy disposed of a large numbers of tickets to the members, the WM hoped that this Re-Union would receive the personal support of all the members.

No further business being to transact, the Lodge was closed in the usual manner.

God Save the King

Edward Leathem, WM
John Sayers, Secretary


William John Twaddell, was re-elected to the City Corporation in 1913, later being elected to the Parliament of Northern Ireland for the constituency of Belfast West in 1921. He was murdered by the IRA on 22nd May 1922, on the way to his business as a Draper.

Jospeh Davison, (later Sir Joseph) became a prominent Unionist Politician and  Grand Master of Ireland.