Thursday, 12 July 2012



As members of the Loyal Orange Institution we give thanks to Almighty God for the civil and religious liberty which we enjoy.  We believe that there is only one true and living God, the Creator of Heaven and earth.  We praise God for His great self-revelation in the pages of Holy Scripture and for sending His Son the Lord Jesus Christ to be our Saviour.

Today we remember God’s covenant of grace which has made salvation available to all who will repent of their sin and trust in Jesus as their Saviour.  In an increasingly secular world we urge all men to study the Scriptures so that under the guidance of the Holy Spirit they may come to saving faith in Jesus Christ.


We the Orangemen assembled at Barnetts Demesne, Belfast, extend our Heartiest congratulations to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on the Diamond Jubilee of her accession to the Throne.  We give thanks to Almighty God for Her Majesty’s devoted service to this country and the Commonwealth.  We gratefully appreciate Her Majesty’s visit to Northern Ireland last month as part of her Jubilee celebrations. We pledge our continuing loyalty to Her Majesty The Queen and her heirs and successors, being Protestant.  With all of her loyal subjects we pray – God Save the Queen


We the Orangemen assembled at Barnetts Demesne, Belfast. commemorate with pride this centenary year of the signing of the Ulster Covenant of 1912, mindful that the stand of our forefathers against Home Rule helped preserve our identity and retained our cherished position within the United Kingdom at that time and thereafter. We remain convinced that the Union offers the best possible future for all the people of Northern Ireland as equal citizens of the United Kingdom.