Sunday, 12 December 2010


The Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland has condemned an attack on an Orange Hall in Beragh over the weekend.

Kirkpatrick Memorial Hall, on the Donaghanie Road, Beragh, is the home of Beragh LOL 796 and a local branch of the Apprentice Boys of Derry.
Cages protecting windows on the hall, were ripped off and the windows were smashed. The front door of the hall was forced open and inside the building, curtains were set on fire and other fittings were smashed.
The fire burnt itself out.
The hall has been targeted on a number of previous occasions but the damage was relatively minor.

A spokesman for Grand Lodge said:
“This seems to have been a carefully planned attack and those responsible would have spent some time around the building.
“Anyone who saw people acting suspiciously around the hall should let the police know as soon as possible. The way to deal with these attacks by helping the police catch the culprits and then it is up to the courts to deal properly the offenders.
“An attack on an Orange Hall is a blatant attack on our culture and must be taken seriously by everyone in the community and by the relevant authorities.”

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