Wednesday 10 June 2009


A crowd of more than 10,000 is expected in Carrickfergus on Saturday, June 13, for one of the most colourful events in the Orange calendar.

Members of Royal York LOL 145 will be there as York Island Arts & Heritage Association, adding to the historical re-inactment and celebration.

The Carrickfergus Pageant, which marks William Prince of Orange’s landing in the town in 1690 on the way to the Battle of the Boyne, has become a major annual event and the organisers are hoping for an even bigger turn out this year.

One hundred European re-enactors from France, Italy, England, the Irish Republic, Belgium and Norway will take part in the colourful spectacle. They will be wearing uniforms from the Williamite period and about 15 people will be on horseback.

“We normally have about 10,000 people at the Pageant,” said organiser John McMurran.
“This year we are making a very special effort to add even more colour to the event. We expect a huge number of people will turn out.
“Carrickfergus is steeped in history and the Pageant is a big draw for tourists.”

The parade, involving about 18 bands, will leave Woodburn Playing Fields at 12.45pm and go to the harbour for King William’s landing at 1.30pm. He will then lead the parade through the town to Marine Gardens, arriving there at approximately 2.30pm.

The return parade will begin at 4.30pm back to the playing fields.

This year will be the first outing for the Carrickfergus Historical Re-enactment Group Fife and Drum band.

There will also be a re-enactment in Carrickfergus on Friday, June 12, in St. Brides Street car park and again on Sunday afternoon at 2.30pm.

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